"Le cordonier est le plus mal chaussé" would be a great analogy of me and my web presence right now.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Long time

So, what's happened these past few months?

  • Bought a new car.

  • Anne, my sister came over to Perth for about a month.

  • Parents came over too.

  • Graduated.

  • This girl crashed into my car, giving me a slight neck injury, and giving my car a $5,600 injury. Her insurance's paying for it.

  • Learnt that the strategy that I've been using for developing PHP/MySQL applications has a name - ORM - for Object Relational Mapping.

  • Got into the Smarty templating engine.

  • Got lazy, and wrote a script to write my PHP classes for me - a class for each table in the database so that I can instantiate objects and deal with stuff on a higher level.

  • Then we discovered phpCodeGenie, which does the same thing and more. The best part is that phpCodeGenie was written by fellow Mauritian Nilesh Dosooye. I've only looked at it briefly at this stage. Most of the form generation stuff I don't need, especially since the generated code mixes PHP code with html markup.

  • Got rid of Arch Linux because packages were breaking way too often for my liking.

  • Considering installing the newly released ubuntu hoary.

  • Looking forward to FreeBSD 5.4 and Open Solaris