On #efnet.org right now I count 81 oped, 1 voiced and 33 opered clients. The channel has grown tremendously since lucy, Auriga, phillie, n909 and I created it 4 years or so ago. It all started as a forum conversation on the old efnet.org bulletin board. We were talking about IRC on a bulletin board, hitting the browser refresh every minute or so. It was blindingly obvious that we needed a channel and so #efnet.org was born.
Pills, Hardy, qurve and oz were some of the first oppers to join us. Of the early folks to join, lucy, Auriga and n909 are now opers. phillie seems to have stopped chatting. I also stopped chatting for a couple of years.
I think that the name of the channel, and the fact that the channel has so many opers as regular chatters, has helped it grow at such a fast rate. Power attracts hangers-on. Being oped in #efnet.org somehow makes one leet. The fact that the early chatters are now opers probably encourages the hangers-on too, which is pretty sad.
I was googling efnet.org and found this, good post and back then was the really good times in that channel :)
6:58 pm
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