"Le cordonier est le plus mal chaussé" would be a great analogy of me and my web presence right now.

Friday, October 22, 2004



A white desktop to brighten my mood. Click image for full version.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uhm, reminds me of a certain OS. I think I've seent his sound icon somewhere... Ah, Mac OS X! :-)

3:01 am

Blogger Shane said...

The icons are from the d3a set.

Regarding OS X, many people liken gnome to it :) With drop shadows plus a panel for icons, I guess gnome does look kind of similar. It was not a conscious decision to mimic OS X though. I just find the icons panel much faster to use than a start menu type affair.

In fact, one of my pet rants is the number of people on other operating systems that seek to emulate the look of OS X. Their efforts invariably look tacky. As a regular user of OS X, these tend to turn me off. If you want OS X that badly, well, use the real thing ;)

5:24 pm

Blogger Shane said...

Sorry, I misread your post above. The screenshot isn't actually from OS X. It's gnome on linux :)

12:01 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know it's Gnome on Linux. Just appraising the effort to make Gnome Mac OS X-like.

5:02 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice. The only thing that would possibly bug me is it being too bright. Remember the Gremlins, "Bright Light! Bright Light!" :)


2:23 pm

Blogger Shane said...

You're right, it *is* very bright when I wake up in the middle of the night and want to use the computer :P I've since changed the wallpaper to something less harsh.

2:52 pm


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